Recent Projects
Jyarsha Gothyan Community Forest Restoration Program
Jyarsha Gothyan C.F. lost 500 hectares of forest to wildfires. The
dead and burnt trees are a replication of our actions towards the
environment. Whereas the cultural history of Tamang community has
richness in its approach towards life.
RPPSathi in 2020 decided to venture out in the restoration program
of the community forest. The goal of this project is to empower
the community through forest restoration activities. In the
initial phase, a documentary will be filmed at Gatlang over 10
The parts of which will be used for garnering supports for the
project. The work is being done in coordination with Aama
Chhodingmo Rural Municipality, Rasuwa. A pilot plantation of 10
hectares is being done in coordination with the District Forest
Office and the Rural Municipality.
Ritu Utsav
Ritu Utsav is a bi-monthly event intended to celebrate and better
understand the importance of seasons, and culture. It is an
attempt to bring environmentalists and artists together in a
common ground.
This project is designed to decentralize the talk and initiate
this conversation to make people conscious about climate change
and its adverse consequences on humanity and ecosystem. The rising
climate disasters have induced jeopardy in our lifestyles and
living pattern.
Around a year, in six different places, this project will conduct
six different events based on the theme of six different seasons.